Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Move Afoot to Push for Opening the High Bridge 24/7

In an article on The Uptown Collective penned by Steven Kopstein, he effectively argues that the High Bridge should be open all the times, day and night.  If you have an opinion about this issue please let the rest of the community know how you feel.  You can either put your comment at the end of this post or on Steven's post.  We really want to know what you think.  Contact your assemblyman and tell him what you think about this too!


  1. John (Amsterdam Ave.)June 17, 2015 at 5:25 PM

    Hell yea, of course it should be open. The best time to be there is very early or just before sunset.

  2. Of course it should be open.

  3. Wait a minute, didn't we get it closed the last time because of the pranks going on there 45 years ago?
    I vote for a guard to be there all the time.

  4. What do they do at other Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridges? and what experiences have they had? Does anyone know?
    I mean they don't stop us from walking around on the streets at night, do they?

  5. I vote: open the bridge all the time.

  6. I say take down the chain and clean up the place getting to the bridge.

  7. I think that closing the bridge at night is self defeating. If they tell us we can't trust this neighborhood to have an open bridge then the neighborhood will act accordingly. This is not the 80s anymore. We should command the respect that we are entitled to, and we need to live up to it.

  8. Someone up there in the city has got it in their head that if the bridge is open at night then "gangs" will cross the bridge and cause trouble. What kind of a crazy itea is that?

  9. Please give us the Bridge you promised us. That means 24/7 access. You are treating us like children that cannot be trusted.

  10. Yes - call your City Council members. Treating the BX/Upper Manhattan like hoodlums that can't be trusted is unfair. The streets are open 24/7 and the High Bridge is a transportation link as well as a recreational facility. It's now closing even earlier - was 8PM and they changed it to 7 PM. Mark Levine is head of Parks Committee for City Council. or (212) 788-7007. Give him a call. He supports these kinds of efforts and is a fan of community involvement and biking too. Steven Kopstein
